Over the Moon


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Over the Moon
An SDBA Collaborative Book Project
July 5 – September 29, 2016
Mission Valley Library, San Diego CA
January 6 – February 11, 2017
Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, La Jolla CA

This 92 page, 8” x 10″, full-color catalog captures the essence of the Collaborative Art Project. Each of the 40 artists’ original art pages and 30 book – every one of them a unique binding of the images – are featured in this catalog, along with the Moon Haiku, artist statements, history of the project and more. This is a catalog not to be missed. Use the Add to Cart button to order your copy with a major credit card, or send a check for $27.50 plus $4 shipping to San Diego Book Arts, 1624 Forestdale Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.