Virtual Demos
Virtual Demos are recorded during the SDBA Monthly Meetings. Be sure to also check out our Tips & Tricks page for more virtual learning opportunities!
Origami Ornament by Maria Rebelo
With five or six square pieces of paper, three very simple folds, and a little bit of glue you will have a beautiful ornament for many different occasions. Learn the basics. Explore the possibilities! Demo provided by Maria Rebelo.
Diagonal Fold Booklet by Kat Kirby
This little book is perfect for collecting ephemera, writing a story, or sending as a gift. The pockets are the ideal place to stash all kinds of goodies, including notes, tags, cards, money, and other surprises! As we approach the holiday season, why not start making these cool little books to give as gifts!
Cutout Trifold Card led by Karin Wilson
Karin Wilson demonstrates how to make a cutout trifold card. She shows you how to take an idea and work it out before you start to cut. Learn how to stack your design so that when folded you can see something from every panel. This simple technique can produce some intricate and fun results.
SDBA Monthly Meeting Recap August 2021
SDBA Members share what they have been working on during the August 2021 virtual meeting. Artists include: Debbie Gerrish, Gina Pisello, Jie Tian, Laurel Moorhead, Lynn Marsh, Lynne Olson, Maria Bolivar, Nancy Kazanjian, Rebecca Chamlee, Susan Marsh, & Jane LaFazio.
Four Zine Book by Maria Rebelo
“I learned this simple book structure from Stephanie Krause. All we need to do is fold each individual sheet of paper as a zine, make a small cut and tie them as if we were putting together signatures for a book. The pages can be decorated and I will demonstrate how to make “windows” that will show the inside of the pages.”
Origami Decorative Envelopes led by Andrea Factor
Andrea Factor demos origami decorative envelopes. Andrea takes us on an entertaining exploration of Origami Envelopes.
Tico Star Demo by Patsy Monk
Learn the steps for the simple but elegant Tico Star as designed by Maria Sinayskaya. Once the original version is perfected it is easy to try out the variations .
Artist Statement from patsy monk: As a nurse and health coach, health is important. As we practice any craft, we are reducing stress. Stress is a physiological problem that affects the body and mind and origami tackles both of these by engaging them equally. As the mind starts to get absorbed, you give in to the moment and let yourself be distracted. The practice of Origami is a perfect ‘take along’ craft that is easy and fun to do.
Kingfisher Piano Hinge Book, Instructions by Gina Pisello
Piano Hinge binding was created by Hedi Kyle. Directions can be found in a variety of books including: Non-Adhesive Binding: Books Without Paste or Glue by Keith Smith, Cover to Cover, by Shereen LaPlantz and Creating Handmade Books, by Alisa Golden. It is a relatively simple binding wherein the spines of the pages are notched and woven together using sticks, string or even paper. The book can be displayed open in the round or closed with the spine to the side or on top. This versatility and simplicity make it a good structure to have in your repertoire.
Julie Hocking presents Slip Knot Binding
This easy binding style is great for single sheets of thicker paper: heavy cardstock or watercolor paper. When completed, the resulting book lies flat. Learn the slip knot binding stitch, sewing 2 covers and three pages into a sample book. We’ll use extra large holes and thicker thread to practice our technique, and explore three ways to tie off the ends.
Jie Tian presents Explore Living Colors: The Ecology in Book Arts
In this fun and interactive demo, we explore the colors, textures, and structures of leaves and flowers on paper and thread. Gather plant materials from your patio, garden, and local environments. Our tools are simple:, our hands, a hammer, a rock, or a rolling pin. Improvise spontaneous creativity, and enjoy your own rhythm and heart-beat—as we press, rub, pound and create with plants. We will be able to recycle leaves and flowers so they biodegrade & use what we make as inspirations for bookmarks, cards, collages, books and book binding.
Gina Pisello presents Red Lantern Tutorial
Learn how to fold vellum or glassine into a lovely red lantern perfect for the dark winter days ahead. All you need is lightweight paper, scissors, ruler, double stick tape, and a bone folder. Paper size used: 8 x 12 inches Paper used: We Are Memory Keepers ombre glassine, but any light paper will do. Tracing paper works very well. See still photos and crease pattern on my blog at: www.ginapisello.com/blog
Cathy Cakebread presents How to Photograph Your Artists’ Book
If you can only create one photograph to show off your book, which angle shows off your book to its best advantage? Cathy Cakebread, of Bay Area Book Artists, presents “How to Photograph Your Artists’ Book”. Techniques include: lighting photography, setups and positioning preparing photos for posting on the web camera equipment.
Gina Pisello Cut, Pleat, and Alter Book Pages Demo
There are many ways to alter a book. In this demo Gina Pisello shows us one of her favorites. The process will transform images from both sides of the paper into something new.
Wendy Telford Card Folder Demo
Wendy Telford shows us how to make this versatile folding card with pockets that is perfect for gift cards, mini books, photo albums, special occasions, travel memories or anything you can think of.
Amy Spencer Chain Stitch Demo
Amy Spencer leading a Chain Stitch demo during a September 9th, 2020 SDBA monthly meeting. The Chain Stitch is an elegant and beautiful way to stitch a signature into a book cover and to highlight a favorite thread.
Julie Hocking Fold Book Demo
Watch San Diego Book Arts Member Julie Hocking demonstrate how she makes her box fold book. The demo was was part of the July 8th, 2020 monthly member meeting.
Materials List:
5 pieces text weight paper, 4 x 4 inches
Optional: 2 pieces card stock weight paper, 2 x 2 inches for covers
Optional: 1 piece text weight paper, 3/8 x 5 inches for band closure
Tools :
Scissors or craft knife (x-acto type)
Straight edge/metal ruler
Bone Folder
Glue Stick
Maria Rebelo Alternative Accordion Book Demonstration
SDBA member Maria Rebelo’s wonderful demonstration of an alternative accordion book structure for the monthly SDBA Zoom meeting on August 12, 2020.
List of materials:
A long strip of thick paper (25”x5” long). It needs to be heavy enough to hold shape but easy to fold at the same time.
You will need enough paper to make 6-12 panels of 5”x3 1/8” each.
An extra piece of paper, 7”x1” to make a belt for the finished book.
Scissors or X-acto knife.
Glue or glue stick.
The paper for the panels can be anything you want: watercolors, painted pages, Eco prints, photographs…